Work-Based Learning (WBL)

WBL activity is defined as training in the private for-profit sector, non-profit sector, or public sector. This training can be an internship, pre-apprenticeship, apprenticeship, or on-the-job training.


BFET WBL is based on the partnerships BFET Providers build with employers in their area. Providers should seek out partnerships to build non-subsidized and subsidized WBL positions in their local community in high demand career fields. All non-subsidized and subsidized WBL positions supported by BFET must be career targeted and lead to permanent employment.


Subsidized Work-Based Learning (SWBL)

SWBL is captured using the WL component. SWBL is used when a portion of a BFET participant’s wages is subsidized by BFET funds.


The BFET provider is the employer of record for Subsidized Work Based Learning. Only payroll positions with State and Federal withholdings qualify. Independent contractor and self-employment situations are not payroll positions and may not be part of a SWBL activity.


Non-Subsidized Work-Based Learning (NWBL)

NWBL is captured using the WN component. NWBL is used when the BFET participant’s wages are not subsidized by BFET.


The WL and WN component may be opened for a maximum of 90 days at a time with the ability to update on expiration.