Limited English Proficiency Pathway

ORIA LEP Pathway
Education Program Manager:

Ashley Mai
ORIA LEP Pathway Program Administrator:
Lisa McCarthy

Employment and Education Programs 

ORIA partners with community-based organizations, resettlement agencies and colleges to ensure service delivery. Our service providers have close ties with ethnic communities. ORIA service providers employ staff who are immigrants and refugees to provide culturally and linguistically appropriate services.
The LEP Pathway program assists eligible refugees and immigrants, including those receiving Temporary Assistance for Needy Families cash and Refugee Cash Assistance benefits to move towards economic stability. This includes employment-related services, and education-related services necessary to obtain and maintain employment. Clients may receive services for employment, education or both.


Services include, but are not limited to:

  • Job Preparation / Job Search – One-on-one coaching, ongoing case management and workshops centered around getting and keeping employment, such as how to look for a job, resume writing, interviewing skills, employer expectations and using the internet to search for work. Service providers work closely with clients to holistically support clients to find and keep stable employment.
  • Service Providers  work closely with clients to holistically support clients to find and retain stable employment.
  • Skills Training – Training to gain and improve work skills in a specific industry. Skills training ranges from Commercial Driver's License training to culinary skills apprenticeships with most offering industry-recognized certificates upon completion.
  • Work Experience – Unpaid opportunities to practice work skills and gain work experience onsite with a nonprofit organization.
  • English as a Second Language, English Language Acquisition, English for Speakers of Other Languages, English Language Learners – Classroom instructional setting, one-on-one or small-group tutoring to increase literacy skills in reading, listening, speaking and writing.
  • Continuing Education Assistance – Assistance navigating higher education resources and enrollment.
  • Support Services - Provided to break down barriers and encourage engagement with LEP Pathway services/activities.

ORIA service providers work in partnership with clients, potential employers, and other agencies to support the client’s employment and education journey.

Who is eligible?

Individuals may be eligible if they meet one or more of the following three criteria:

  1. People receiving TANF, are English language learners, and who have been referred by a DSHS Community Services Office.
  2. People receiving Refugee Cash Assistance and who meet federal ORR eligibility.
  3. Individuals age 16 and older who have resided in the United States for less than five years, who have not naturalized as a U.S. citizen and have an immigration status that makes them eligible for federally funded refugee services from the U.S. Office of Refugee Resettlement. For more information about ORR eligibility, visit our Frequently Asked Questions page.

If you are unsure about eligibility, please reach out to the ORIA Program Manager to verify eligibility for the program.

Service Providers

If you have active TANF or RCA benefits, contact your DSHS WorkFirst Case Manager for referrals to ORIA providers.  If you qualify for the LEP Pathway Program under section 3 of the eligibility criteria above and do not receive cash assistance from DSHS, please contact one of the service providers on our interactive resource tool to enroll.