PEP Step V--Determining Level of Function of Mentally Impaired Individuals in a Work Environment
Approvals at PEP step V based on cognitive and social factors are intended for individuals who are unable to perform the basic work functions necessary to learn the basic skills of a job, perform to an employer’s expectations, or behave in a manner acceptable in a work place.
The purpose of a Mental Status Examination (MSE) is to assess the presence and extent of a person's mental impairment. The MSE may suggest specific areas for further testing or specific types of required tests. There are standardized and non-standardized Mental Status Examinations.
The cognitive ratings on the DSHS13-865 are marked to indicate the client cannot follow simple one and two-step instructions. However, the client had no difficulty following instructions specifically developed to test this function - folding a piece of paper and placing it on the floor. Contact the provider and request clarification. The two pieces of information must be consistent to accurately reflect the status of the person being evaluated.