ABD Clients Residing in Eastern or Western State Hospital or Civilly Committed to a Community-Based Facility

Revised on: October 15, 2024


Eastern or Western State Hospital

Individuals residing in Eastern or Western State Hospital are potentially eligible for the Aged, Blind, or Disabled (ABD) program if they meet all other eligibility criteria per WAC 388-400-0060. If ABD is approved, individuals are eligible for a clothing, personal maintenance, and necessary incidentals (CPI) monthly grant up to $41.62. 

At Admission/ABD application: Eastern and Western State Hospital staff help patients submit ABD cash applications after their admission. Hospital staff will only submit ABD applications for patients who are civilly committed or “not guilty by reason of insanity.” Home and Community Services (HCS) and Developmental Disabilities Administration (DDA) staff process ABD applications (and recertifications) for patients age 20 or under and age 65 and over (Title 19). CSD staff process applications (and recertifications) for patients age 21-64.  

At Discharge: Eastern and Western State Hospital staff help patients submit food/cash applications at discharge. HCS and DDA staff process discharge applications (and ABD recertifications) for patients discharging to their services/care. Remaining discharge applications (and ABD recertifications) are processed by CSD staff.


Civilly Committed to a Community-Based Facility

At ABD Application: Patients who are civilly committed to a treatment facility managed by the Behavioral Health Administration, such as Maple Lane, Oak Cottage, or Olympic Heritage, will need to complete a financial interview and provide medical evidence. These facilities do not have an interview waiver or presumptive eligibility per WAC 388-449-0001 and WAC 388-434-0005.

If ABD is approved, individuals are eligible for a clothing, personal maintenance, and necessary incidentals (CPI) monthly grant up to $41.62.

NOTE: For ABD recipients who are discharged from Eastern and Western State Hospital to a community-based facility, see Clarifying Information #1 for WAC 388-449-0150.


Interview and Medical Evidence Requirements

Facility Name

Public Institution?

Financial Interview Required?

Medical Evidence Required?

Eastern/Western State Hospital




Oak Cottage




Maple Lane




Olympic Heritage





See the following WACs for additional information:

  • WAC 388-400-0060: Who is eligible for aged, blind or disabled (ABD) cash assistance?   

  • WAC 388-400-0070: Who is eligible for referral to the housing and essential needs (HEN) program?  

  • WAC 388-434-0005: How often does the department review my eligibility for benefits?  

  • WAC 388-449-0001: What are the disability requirements for the aged, blind, or disabled (ABD) program?  

  • WAC 388-449-0150: When does my eligibility for aged, blind, or disabled (ABD) cash benefits end?

  • WAC 388-449-0200: Am I eligible for cash assistance for aged, blind, or disabled (ABD) while waiting for supplemental security income (SSI)?  

  • WAC 388-452-0005: Do I have to be interviewed in order to get cash and basic food benefits? 

  • WAC 388-478-0006: The clothing, personal maintenance, and necessary incidentals (CPI) payment standard for cash assistance.  

  • WAC 388-478-0033: What are the payment standards for aged, blind, or disabled (ABD) cash assistance?  

Clarifying Information

WAC 388-400-0060: Who is eligible for aged, blind, or disabled (ABD) cash assistance?

  1. You may be eligible for ABD if you reside in Eastern or Western State Hospital or are civilly committed to a community-based facility and meet all other eligibility requirements.

  2. You are not eligible for ABD if you are in the custody of or confined in a public correctional facility such as a state prison, or city, county or tribal jail, including placement in a work release program.

  3. Forensic patients are individuals who have been admitted to Eastern or Western State Hospitals through the criminal justice system. 

    1. Patients who have been determined “not guilty by reason of insanity” (NGRI) have had their competency restored, completed their court process, pleaded NGRI and have been adjudicated. These patients are potentially eligible for ABD. 

    2. Competency evaluation and restoration patients are committed under RCW 10.77. Competency is the ability of the person to understand and participate in the court process. This population have not had their crimes adjudicated and are considered in custody of or confined to a public correctional facility. These individuals are not eligible for ABD.  

WAC 388-434-0005: How often does the department review my eligibility for benefits?  

  1. Specialized eligibility staff review financial eligibility for ABD recipients residing in Eastern or Western State Hospital every 24 months and at discharge.

WAC 388-449-0001: What are the disability requirements for the aged, blind, or disabled (ABD) program?  

  1. We consider civilly committed Eastern or Western State Hospital patients as likely to be disabled. Specialized eligibility staff finalize applications for these patients without a disability determination from social services staff.

  2. We consider Eastern or Western State Hospital patients who have been determined “not guilty by reason of insanity” (NGRI) as likely to be disabled. NGRI patients have had their competency restored, completed their court process, pleaded NGRI and have been adjudicated.

  3. A disability determination is required for applicants who are civilly committed to a community-based facility.

WAC 388-449-0150: When does my eligibility for aged, blind, or disabled (ABD) cash benefits end?

  1. We review eligibility for ABD recipients discharging from Eastern or Western State Hospital. This applies whether the recipient is discharged to the community or to a community-based facility such as Oak Cottage, Olympic Heritage or Maple Lane.  

    1. Specialized eligibility staff must complete an early eligibility review (ER). Completing the ER changes the certification period from 24 months back to 12 months.

    2. An interview is not required in this situation since the recipient is residing in a public institution when they submit the eligibility review form. An ABD desk review should be completed. An interview is required if the recipient is applying for food at discharge.

    3. Social Services staff must complete a disability determination based on medical evidence.

  2. ABD recipients who are civilly committed to a community-based facility and are discharged to the community during the certification period don’t need to complete a new application or early review. Since they were approved for ABD based on financial eligibility and medical evidence, discharge from a facility is treated as a change of circumstance. See Worker Responsibilities #2 - WAC 388-418-0020.

WAC 388-449-0200: Am I eligible for cash assistance for aged, blind, or disabled (ABD) while waiting for supplemental security income (SSI)?

  1. ABD recipients who reside in Eastern or Western State Hospital are not required to sign an interim assistance reimbursement authorization.

  2. ABD recipients who reside in Eastern or Western State Hospital are not required to file an application for SSI.

WAC 388-452-0005: Do I have to be interviewed in order to get cash and basic food benefits?

  1. Interviews for ABD cash applicants and recipients who reside in Eastern or Western State Hospital at application and eligibility review (ER) are not required. These applications and reviews are worked by specialized staff only.

  2. Interviews are required for ABD cash applicants who are civilly committed to a community-based facility.

  3. Specialized eligibility staff complete an ABD desk review at discharge from Eastern or Western State Hospital. An interview is not required since the recipient is residing in a public institution.

*Visit the ABD Clients Residing in Eastern or Western State Hospital page in the Social Services Manual for clarifying information about medical evidence.*

Related Procedures (Staff Only) 

  • ABD Inpatient Discharging from a State Hospital
  • ABD for Inpatient Customers at State Hospitals